When we feel tired and lacking energy, our first action is often finding a cup of coffee. Energy drinks are the other common “solution.” One of the most famous drinks, Red Bull, is even considered as a drink that “gives us wings.”
The popular energy drink Red Bull has been related to cardiovascular problems, including str0ke and heart att.ack.
Red Bull stiffens the blood and offers the body with unnatural stimulation.
One hour after drinking a single can of Red Bull, the blood consistency of the research participants became abnormal and resembled that of a heart patient, which reported by Scott Willoughby, a senior researcher at the Cardiovascular Research Center at the Royal Adelaide Hospital in Australia.
The main components in Red Bull are caffeine and sugar. It also consists of aspartame, the artificial sweetener that has neurotoxic, metabolic, allergic, and carcinogenic effects. The original manufacturer of Red Bull in Austria even concerns its customers not to drink more than two cans per day.
In addition to the negative effects related with its high caffeine content, Red Bull consists of various chemicals that have not yet been properly studied.
Many people mix it with alcohol, which boosts the potential dangers. This combination can overload the body and lead to serious health problems.
So what option is there when you drink extra amounts of caffeinated beverages ?
Many experts advise doing the following things to increase your energy levels: