Thursday, March 6, 2025

In the bitter cold, a barefoot pregnant woman was knocking on the door.


 The house was warm and cozy, with logs quietly crackling in the stove, a favorite TV show playing, and a blizzard howling outside. Antonina, an elderly woman and former local paramedic, comfortably settled in an old, worn chair, watched the movie and stroked her cat, Vasily, curled up on her lap.

Suddenly, there was a desperate knocking at the window, then at the gate, the dog Toshka barked hoarsely until it quieted down.

‘Who could that be in such weather? Maybe I imagined it?’ the woman wondered, and reluctantly, putting on her felt boots and sheepskin coat, went to check and to bring in some firewood at the same time.

Barely making it to the gate, as it had snowed quite a bit, she opened the door and froze, unable to believe her eyes. In the bitter cold, barely standing and leaning against the fence, was a young girl. She was in a nightgown, barefoot, with a knitted shawl thrown over her. It was clear she was also pregnant, her belly quite large…

Barely moving her lips, the girl whispered:

‘I beg you! Don’t send me away! Help me, they want to take my child!’ she muttered, as if delirious.

There was no time to think, Antonina quickly led the young woman into the house, throwing her sheepskin coat over her.

‘Oh my! What’s happening! Who would dare throw a pregnant woman out into the cold!’ Antonina lamented.

As a paramedic, she knew the risks the cold could pose to the girl in her condition, so she heated some water, and began to warm her feet, then rubbed them with alcohol, wrapped her up, gave her hot tea with raspberry jam, and put her to bed. She said nothing and asked no questions. ‘Morning is wiser than the evening,’ decided the retiree.

The girl fell asleep instantly, only whispering ‘Thank you.’ All night there was commotion outside, people running, shouting, cars circling.

Nastya woke up to the enticing smell of eggs frying in bacon grease and fresh pastry. She was terribly hungry, the baby inside her stirred restlessly. She carefully climbed out from under the blanket, next to the bed lay a prepared flannel robe and warm slippers. Suddenly, she felt as good as she had in her distant childhood at her grandmother’s village, and she did not want to return to the harsh, cruel reality.

In the kitchen, the elderly woman was busy laying out a pile of steaming hot pancakes. Glancing at the girl with caution, she said:

‘Well, runaway, go wash up and sit down to breakfast, the little one must be hungry? Then you can tell us who you are and what happened to you, poor thing.’

After breakfasting with great pleasure, Nastya sighed and began her story:

‘I’m an orphan, grew up in an orphanage. I don’t remember my parents, never saw them. Until I was five, my grandma Varya raised me, loved and pitied me, but then she died, and I ended up in the orphanage. After graduation, I was given an apartment and sent to teacher’s training college. That’s where I met a very rich guy at a disco, all the girls were after him, they wouldn’t leave him alone. But he, Sasha, noticed me and chose me out of all of them. He’s ten years older, has his own cottage in the next village, his father is some big shot. He courted me beautifully, gave me flowers and took me to the movies, so I couldn’t resist, fell in love with him to death. All the girls envied me, I caught such a fiancé! When he looks at me, it’s like the ground falls away beneath my feet…

We started living together, in that cottage. At first, everything was fine, but when I realized I was pregnant, he changed! He started to hurt and insult me! Often he got drunk, came home in the early morning. I cried, worried, asked him to come to his senses, but it was all in vain. Two weeks ago, he completely lost it, brought a girl home right in front of me, and frolicked with her. I’ve never been in so much pain, I started packing my things, decided to leave Sasha. But it wasn’t to be.

He went crazy, hit me and said, ‘Where do you think you’re going? You’re not going anywhere. You’ll give birth to my child, and then I’ll throw you out! And you’ll never see your son again! Got it?’

He locked me in a room, and wouldn’t let me out anywhere. Told the maid to bring me food, and that’s it. I cried all the time, pleaded, begged. And then last night, the maid took pity on me and didn’t lock the door. So, as I was, I ran, ran as fast as I could, and finally made it to your house… Thank you.” — and the girl sobbed.

‘What a horror! Can such things really happen? What are you going to do now?’ lamented Antonina.

‘Honestly, I don’t know. Please don’t send me away! Sasha will take the child after birth, and throw me out, I’m nobody, not even his wife, and still an orphan, nobody to stand up for me. I swear, I’ll end it all!’ — and Nastya burst into tears.

‘Alright, get those thoughts out of your head, what are you thinking! I have a son, Grigory, he’s the local police officer, he’ll be off duty soon. Tell him everything. Maybe he can help,’ said Antonina.

Grisha was walking home from duty, pondering why life was so unfairly arranged. He had recently split up with Irina, his wife. She didn’t like his job as a police officer, the pay was low, too much hassle, all hustle and bustle. His wife demanded he settle up and go into business, take her to fashionable resorts. She nagged him mercilessly, so they divorced, and after that, his ex-wife found a wealthy man and left with him abroad, while he moved back to his mother’s home in his father’s house. He decided, to hell with it, all women are so mercenary now!

Entering the house, Grisha habitually shouted:

‘Hello, Mommy!’ and went to the kitchen, drawn by the delicious smell, he was terribly hungry.

Son, meet our guest, Nastasya. She’s had some trouble. Could you listen to her, maybe together we’ll figure out how to help?’ asked Antonina.

‘Is this not the girl they were looking for all night?’ asked the young man.

The girl turned deathly pale. She looked like a frightened deer, the same huge, tear-filled blue eyes, framed by thick eyelashes, luxurious, long, wheat-colored hair, somewhat collected in a ponytail, and her comically protruding sharp belly. She was so sweet and defenseless that everything inside Grisha turned and jolted.

‘Don’t turn me in, please!’ whispered the girl.

Learning what had happened, Grisha was in shock! What a scoundrel! How could someone do that? And most importantly, how to help poor Nastya. He didn’t know yet, but he was sure he wouldn’t leave her in trouble, his conscience wouldn’t allow it. When Grisha looked at Nastya, some previously unknown warmth spread inside him, and a silly, foolish smile wouldn’t leave his face.

‘Don’t cry, Nastasya, no one is going to hand you over to that vampire. Where are your things and documents?’

‘Everything is at Sasha’s cottage, he took my passport, so I couldn’t escape, and my apartment keys are there too. But I won’t go back there. I’m scared!’ — large, bead-like tears poured from the girl’s eyes.

Grisha thought for a moment, kept silent, then said:

‘Let’s do this. You’ll stay with us for now. I’ll go to the city now, buy you some clothes and everything necessary. Then I’ll find out through my channels what kind of goose this Sasha of yours is, try to get all your stuff back. Deal?’

‘It’s very dangerous! It’s my fault! I’m sorry I dragged you into this!’ cried the girl.

‘Don’t be down! In the end, it’s my job to help citizens!’ Grisha resolutely replied.

Through colleagues, the guy made inquiries and found out that Alexander Malyavin was indeed a wealthy major, the son of a well-known businessman in town. Only his businessman father didn’t conduct his affairs very honestly, the police had long had designs on him, but there was never enough evidence to pin him down. Rumors had it that his business was built on drugs. At first, Grisha decided to try to talk to Sasha, appeal to his conscience, although he subconsciously felt it wouldn’t lead to anything good.

Approaching the cottage, Grigory knocked. A sleek, well-fed young man came out and asked carelessly:

‘Who are you and what do you need?’

‘Not you, but You. I’m your local officer, Grigory, I’d like to talk to you.’ began the young man.

‘Well, let’s, but make it quick, I have guests!’ continued the young braggart.

‘I know that you illegally detained Anastasia Kozhevnikova at your place, took her documents, belongings. Return them. The girl is scared and doesn’t want to return to you!’ Grisha said sternly.

The major got angry, clenched his fists, and yelled:

‘So she’s found, the young little bitch! Tenacious one! I thought she’d frozen to death. Decided to complain, huh? She’s a hundred years not needed by me, had my fun and that’s enough. But I’ll still take the child from her! And that’s that! What can this pauper give him? And anyway, who asked her to get pregnant? Fool!’

‘That’s illegal! You have no right to take the child from his mother without her consent!’ Grisha lost his temper at such impudence.

‘I don’t care, my dad’s got the whole town in his pocket! So she’ll get nothing! Only in exchange for the son! Pass that on!’ and Sasha slammed the door in the officer’s face.

Grigory was outraged by the major’s rude behavior, and decided to act through his father, since talking to the son didn’t work out. The guy spent a month gathering compromising material about the business, found a lot of interesting stuff! He thought long and hard, weighed everything, and decided to take a risk. He went directly to the businessman’s reception, pushing aside the outraged secretary. Without hiding, he laid out the whole truth about his son to the man, and in the end added:

‘And keep in mind, I have serious compromising material on you. If your son doesn’t stop harassing Anastasia and leave her alone, I’ll use it. You won’t like it.’ — and handed him copies of the documents.

Grisha expected the man, like his son, to start being rude and threatening, but he miscalculated. The man quickly scanned the documents and sank into the chair, thoughtfully clasped his head with his hands, and said:

‘I’ve heard you. I’ll take measures! I don’t need extra problems! And the son has honestly been a pain in my liver, with his antics. All the girl’s belongings and documents will be delivered to her registered address, I’ll arrange it. If it’s confirmed that my grandson, I’ll help. I’m sorry again!’

The officer was stunned by what he heard and could only mutter:

‘Thank you for understanding!’ and left the office.

Grisha ran home, couldn’t wait to cheer up the girl. Entering the house, the guy saw an endearing scene, his mom was teaching Nastya to make pies. She was diligently trying, sealing the edges. The tip of her nose was floured. Hair had escaped from under the headscarf and comically stuck out. And again, a whole ocean of tenderness spread inside the guy.

‘Well, Nastasya, rejoice! You’re free. Tomorrow you can move back to your own home. Don’t be afraid. I’ve sorted everything out.’ said Grisha.

The girl dropped the pie, cried out, and awkwardly threw herself to embrace her savior.

‘Thank you, Grisha, I’ll be grateful to you all my life! I thought I’d never get out!’ she babbled.

Then Antonina intervened:

‘How about moving tomorrow? I’ve gotten used to it, Nastenka and I get along, and it’s nice to have a living soul in the house! How can she, an orphan, alone with a child, without a job? No one to help her…’ she lamented sorrowfully.

‘Well, I just wanted to talk about that. Nastya, maybe it’s worth trying to find your relatives? Maybe there are brothers, sisters?’ suggested Grisha.

‘I’ve dreamed of that all my childhood, but I just don’t know where to start?’ the girl was startled.

Grisha and Nastya actively took up the search, found an old nanny from the orphanage, learned the address and surname of the girl’s grandmother, and slowly unraveled the whole skein.

What they discovered shocked everyone! Antonina and her son and Nastya sat at the table and cried together. Antonina lamented:

‘And I felt a kinship with you right away. I looked at you and thought, where could I have seen you before? And now I just realized! You look a lot like my own sister. I’ll find a photo now!’ — and the woman started going through old, yellowed pictures.

‘Look, her eyes, and her hair. Oh, Valka! Always troubled! Didn’t want to study, partied all the time. Yes, she got pregnant, it happened. But she came back from the maternity hospital alone, said the child died at birth. And she, it turns out, left the baby at a distant relative’s door, the old grandma’s, and ran away… God punished her, apparently, didn’t live long, was hit and killed by a car two years later, walked drunk!

‘So fate itself brought you, Nastenka, to your relatives’ home! Forgive me, girl, I knew nothing about you!’ — the retiree stroked Nastya’s hand.

And Grisha lowered his head and quietly said:

‘So, are we second cousins? How about that…’ — and quietly went out into the yard.

He literally slid down the fence, fell to his knees, pounded the ground with his fists, cried, and thought:

‘Why? For what? I loved Nastya with all my heart! How can I tear her away from there now?’

It seemed to the guy that some evil fate was chasing him, and there was no end to it.

Life gradually went on its way, Nastya gave birth to the sturdy Syoma, and moved to her own apartment. On weekends, they visited their aunt with her son. Antonina joyfully fussed with the baby, lulled, sang songs.

But Grisha seemed like a different person. He lost weight, ate almost nothing, became withdrawn and sullen, began to drink often. The guy was afraid to even meet Nastya’s eyes. He couldn’t help himself—everything inside tore apart, flared with heat, he wanted to hug, press, kiss the girl. He just couldn’t stop loving her, that was it! And Nastya immediately blushed, lowered her eyes… She understood, it was wrong, they couldn’t love each other, but the heart couldn’t be commanded, it ached, hurt, and was drawn to the guy.

Antonina watched, understood everything, her heart bled. At night, she prayed furiously:

‘Lord, give me the strength to tell the whole truth! I can’t hide anymore! I’m breaking the children’s fate!’ — and she cried silently.

She had kept a terrible secret for many years, not a living soul knew about it, but now… How to tell? What will happen? The woman agonized, hesitated, and finally decided, she could no longer watch how Grishenka was suffering, he was all worn out!

On Nastya’s next visit, Antonina put Syoma to sleep on the veranda, and told Grisha and Nastya to go into the house. She rummaged in the dresser for a long time, took out a box, and began to tell:

‘Grishenka, my beloved son. I thought you’d never find out, I’d take my secret to the grave. But apparently, it’s not fate! I can’t watch how you suffer, like two doves with clipped wings! My children, love each other! You’re not relatives!’ — and the woman quietly cried.

Grisha frowned:

‘Mom, what are you saying? How is that possible?’ he muttered incredulously.

‘My husband, Ivan, died early, I’ve been a widow since thirty. Couldn’t love anyone else. Worked in the maternity ward all my life. Once a sickly girl gave birth to a baby and left it right there, didn’t even look, didn’t take it in her arms. Climbed out the window at night and disappeared.

But when I took you in my arms, I just felt, my son, my own! Never parted with you. The head of the department helped sort out everything with the documents, and I adopted you. Forgive me, dear, that I kept silent! I was terribly afraid that you would find out one day and reject me! I’m still afraid now.’ — and the retiree cried again.

Grisha was stunned, surprised and happy at the same time! He couldn’t believe his ears. Could it be that God had shown mercy, and he and Nastya could be happy? He fell to his knees, hugged his mom, whispered:

‘What are you, mommy! Thank you for telling me! I’m not offended, you’re my dearest! You dedicated your life to me!’

Nastya was stunned and couldn’t utter a sound! Could such a thing be? Who would have told—she would never have believed!

Grisha, coming to his senses, approached the girl:

‘Nastya. I loved you the first second I saw you! When I found out we couldn’t be together, life stopped for me! But now, tell me, will you marry me? I will be a faithful husband, I will raise Syoma as my own! Never reproach you for anything!’ — the guy looked hopefully and anxiously into the bride’s eyes.

Nastya blushed and quietly said:

‘I agree’ — she couldn’t have dreamed of a better husband. The horrors of her past life were far behind, and everything ahead would be good, Nastya knew this for sure!
